The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the afflicted; He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to captives and freedom to prisoners. Isaiah 61:1

Tracey’s germinating journey!

At the tender age of six, God stepped into Tracey’s world as she walked to church invited by her new neighbors to hear of God’s love for all humanity and specifically his love for her. Although she only attended for a few Sundays, her life was forever changed.

With the innocence of the child she was, Tracey gave her life and heart to God, receiving in return the free gift of eternal salvation. Then, to this rural Wyoming town came a missionary, back from sharing God’s ministering love in Africa, to plant seeds that would take decades before germinating into another ministry.  

Despite childhood difficulties, Tracey’s belief in God’s goodness and his love for her was an anchor of hope. As a teen, she created a lengthy list of things she hoped to one day do or become – teacher, librarian, beautician, model, race-car driver, truck driver, nurse, carpenter, accountant, never dreaming how many she would actually accomplish.

It wasn’t until after Tracey married at the age of nineteen, that she attended church again, this time with her husband. Although all marriages have their trials, God was faithful to draw them into his presence and keep them close these 39 years. Blessing them with a long-awaited family of three sons, they created a family business sharing adventures and ambitions, adding daughter-in-loves and grandchildren to the cup that runneth over.

In her journey, God delighted in giving Tracey the desires of her heart as she checked off so many on her done or become list. As she grew in intimacy with her living God, her greatest desire became to share God’s love with others wherever he guided her. She chose to respond to God’s call in Isaiah 6:8: Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Then, I said, “Here am I. Send me!”

Choosing to make herself available, God was faithful to refine and refire her, moving her into opportunities to share his love by speaking his truth and life into the lives of the prominent and the most vulnerable.

Her greatest desire has been germinating these last few years into her ministry in starting Beautiful Foundation of Uganda, building a forever home for 38 orphaned children, mentoring leaders, and creating microloan banks bringing hope and giving opportunities to communities with no other options for using and sharing their entrepreneurial gifts.

God continues to delight in giving Tracey the desire of her heart. She responds with her trademark giddy laugh saying “Here I am. Send me!” as she continues to step out in faith.